Today feels like those days when you want to write something and most importantly have some time to write to. (My work schedules are like those of the lawyers in the John Grisham novels; the only difference is that I am a programmer. Yes that is how I always see myself: a programmer, not a businessman, though I have cofounded a company). And yes most importantly I don’t get paid $300 per hour.)
A new year has started. 2011. The year is new; the resolution is the same old one: lose weight. As far as the weight is concerned, in the past glorious year I have managed to reach a new handsome record: 94 Kgs! However the most unsettling thing is not the weight itself. The thing that troubles me the most is I have stopped caring about the weight. I seem to have resigned to the fact that I am supposed to be fat. That is the intelligent design as conceived by the universe. So the challenge is even greater now. I first need to get out of this ‘intelligent design’ mental block and do something about the weight. (The first thing I could do is stop writing this and go on a walk. Of course I am not going to do that! Anyways I will end up eating something if I go out on a walk.)
Ok enough about weight! I don’t care about it, right?
Another biggest disappointment was the failure of Tees Maar Khan at the box office! (Sheela is totally awesome but that’s beside the point.) I was mainly disappointed for Farah Khan. For the first time she had made a movie without Shahrukh Khan and it didn’t work. I have always liked her kind of unpretentious cinema. I really think Tees Maar Khan would have worked at box office only if critics were a bit more generous with the ratings. Anyways I have quite a few other problems than worrying about box office performance of some movie. So I should get back to work.
Oh yes, sorry about this meaningless post, it was new years and I had to write something that’s all!